Rearranging questions and sections
The 'Rearrange' icon in the 'Actions' drop-down menu on the top right corner, allows you to reorder the sections, as well as the questions within a section.
Once you click on the 'Rearrange' icon, the page will appear to you as shown below. Now you can simply drag and drop the section or question to the desired location. Once you have reordered, click the tick icon to save the changes.
Adding Collaborators and Invigilators
Sometimes it is important that teachers can work together to design the best assessments to assess student learning. The add collaborators feature on AssessPrep allows you to share your assessments with editing rights with other co-teachers. Collaborators can view, add content, monitor, and grade students for the same assessment.
You can add one by clicking on the 'Collaborators' button in the 'Actions' drop-down menu at the top right corner.
Printing/Exporting a test
Print (with Markscheme) under the 'Actions' dropdown allows you to print/export the assessment with explanations(markscheme).
PDF View -
Print for students under the 'Actions' tab allows you to print a copy of the assessment without answers and explanations. You can also save it as PDF and share it with students.
PDF View -
Previewing a Test
The 'Preview' icon on in the top right corner, allows you to view and interact with your assessment from a student's perspective!
While in Preview, you can see exactly how the test would appear to your students and even answer questions to experience the test as a student.
If you are not satisfied with the way a question appears on the test, you can click on the 'Back to Edit' button on the top left corner of your preview mode and continue editing your test as per your requirements.
Once you are done editing your test and are satisfied with its presentation, you can now move to the 'Deliver' Tab and choose the appropriate settings, and select classes/students before you Publish your test.
Detailed instructions for this part are available in the 'How to Deliver Assessments - User Guide'.