1. Content
Creating Sections
You can create structured assessments and organise your assessment by creating multiple sections that group several questions together. On the left side of the assessment page, you can find the "Sections Panel". Click "Add Section" to add a new section to your test. You can rename and delete an existing section by clicking the edit and delete icon respectively.
AssessPrep offers you the option of adding 7 different types of content, as shown below. Content are resources that the students can refer to and on basis of which they can answer questions.

Let's take a look at how we can create the different content types.
Type 1 - Text
This type allows for entering a descriptive text, paragraph, or article for your students to read.
a. When you click on the 'Text' button, a text editor will appear as shown below.

b. When you start typing your text, a panel will be displayed with the following options:
1. Format the text (Bold, Italics, Underline)
2. Add Superscript/Subscript
3. Remove Formatting
4. Use Lists (Bulleted, Numbered)
5. Insert a Table
6. Insert Special Characters
7. Insert Math
8. Show more options (Insert Image, Undo, Redo, Font Size, Font Color, Font Background Color)

c. Click 'Save' after completing the content.

d. The text has been added to the test and will appear as follows.

Type 2 - Accordion
This content type lets you enter text in the format of an accordion, for the students to refer/read.
An accordion is similar in purpose to a tabbed interface, a list of items where exactly one item is expanded into a panel at a time (i.e. list items are shortcuts to access separate panels).
a. The respective panel opens on clicking the title and the content is now visible.

b. Once you have typed the content that you want to add, click the 'Save' button.

c. Once you click 'Save', your content will be added and will appear in the section as shown below.

d. When you click one of the titles, that panel opens and the content for that panel becomes visible.

Type 3 - Image
This type allows for inserting an image or a group of images(as a carousal) for the students to refer/read.
AssessPrep allows you to upload up to 15 images, directly from your computer or by using a link (URL of the image).
a. When you click on the 'Image' button, an editor will appear as shown below.

b. Once you choose one of the options from 'Add from computer' or 'Add from url', a pop up box will appear with an option to choose the images that you want to insert or type the url.
If you choose, 'Add from computer', you can either drag and drop a file to this area from your computer or you can click to open the file explorer and then select the desired images.
If you choose, 'Add from url', you can paste the image URL and click on 'Add Image'.

c. Once you click 'Add images', the page will appear as shown below. Here, you can give a title to each image uploaded and select the layout for your images as 'tabular' or 'slider'.

d. Once you click the 'Save' button, the images will be added to your test, as shown below.

Type 4 - PDF
It helps the teachers to insert a PDF for the students to refer/read.
Teachers can also use this type to add the entire question paper in PDF format.
a. When you click on the 'PDF' button, an editor will open, as shown below. Here, you can choose to upload a PDF directly from your computer or by using a link from the internet.

b. Once you choose one of the options from 'Add from computer' or 'Add from url', a pop up box will appear with an option to choose the PDF that you want to insert or type the url.
If you choose, 'Add from computer', you can either drag and drop a file to this area from your computer or you can click to open the file explorer and then select the desired PDF.
If you choose, 'Add from URL', you can paste your link (URL) and then click 'Add PDF'.

c. Once you click 'Add PDF', the page will appear as shown below. Here, you can give a title and caption to each PDF uploaded.

d. Once you click the 'Save' button, the PDF will be added to your test, as shown below.

Type 5 - Video
This type allows for inserting a video for the students to refer/watch.
AssessPrep allows you to upload any video from your computer with a maximum size limit of 70MB or Youtube URLs with a maximum time limit of 20 minutes.
a. When you click on the 'Video' button, an editor will open, as shown below. Here, you can choose to upload a video directly from your computer or by using a link from the internet.

b. Once you choose one of the options from 'Add from computer' or 'Add from URL', a pop-up box will appear with an option to choose the video that you want to insert or type the URL.
If you choose, 'Add from computer', you can either drag and drop a file to this area from your computer or you can click to open the file explorer and then select the desired video.
If you choose, 'Add from URL', you can paste your link (URL) in the space provided.

c. Once you click 'Add Video', the page will appear as shown below.

d. Once you click the 'Save' button, the video will be added to your test, as shown below.
Video Snippets: Teachers would be able to customize the length of YouTube videos that is inserted via URL using AssessPrep video snipping tool.
Steps to use:
- Add the video URL.
- Click on the checkbox “Use Snippets”.
- Add the required snippets.
- Click on “Save”.

Type 6 - Audio
This content type enables the creator to insert audio for the students to refer/listen to. The teacher can then frame questions based on this audio file.
This feature is particularly useful for language exams. It can also benefit differently-abled students for the questions can be recorded as audio files.
a. When you click on the 'Audio' button, an editor will open, as shown below. Here, you can choose to record audio using your microphone or you can directly upload the audio from your computer.

b. Once you choose one of the options from 'Record Audio' or 'Add from computer', a pop-up box will appear with an option to record or choose the audio file that you want to insert.
If you choose, 'Record Audio', you can click on the 'Record' button to record your audio.
If you choose, 'Add from computer', you can either drag and drop a file to this area from your computer or you can click to open the file explorer and then select the desired audio file.

c. Once you have recorded your audio, click 'Add Audio', the page will appear as shown below.
Here, you can choose to add more audio files as well and give a title to each of them separately.
d. Once you click the 'Save' button, the audio will be added to your test, as shown below.

Type 7 - Simulation
This type allows for inserting a simulation for the students to refer to. It can enhance understanding of the question, especially for science and mathematics. The teacher can then frame questions based on this simulation.
Open resources such as are rather useful.
a. When you click on the 'Simulation' button, an editor will open, as shown below. Here, you can choose to directly upload the simulation from your computer or by using a link from the internet.

b. Once you choose one of the options from 'Add from computer' or 'Add from URL', a pop up box will appear with an option to choose the simulation that you want to insert or type the url.
If you choose, 'Add from computer', you can either drag and drop a file to this area from your computer or you can click to open the file explorer and then select the desired video.
If you choose, 'Add from URL', you can paste your link (URL) in the space provided.

c. Once you click 'Add Simulations', the page will appear as shown below.

d. Once you click the 'Save' button, the simulation will be added to your test, as shown below.

Type 8 - Document
The Document content type allows you to include Google Word documents in your assessments, enhancing the learning experience with detailed, pre-prepared materials. Here is how you do it.
a. To insert a document, go to the Create tab and click on 'Content', which opens a range of buttons. Select the Document button to create a document box.
b. In the box, type the Title in the text space. If needed, use the 'Add Description' radio button to include additional details.
c. Click Upload from Drive, and a new window will open displaying your Google Drive. In this window, select the desired document and click the Select button to upload it.
d. After uploading, you can provide a Title for the document and optionally include a caption by enabling the Include caption radio button. Finally, click Save to add the document to your assessment.
Type 9 - PPT
b. In the box, type the Title in the text space. If needed, use the Add Description radio button to include additional details.
c. Click Upload from Drive, and a new window will open displaying your Google Drive. In this window, select the desired slides and click the Select button to upload it.
d. After uploading, you can provide a Title for the slides and optionally include a caption by enabling the 'Include caption' radio button. Finally, click 'Save' to add the presentation to your assessment.
Upload Resource Sheet
The 'Upload Resource Sheet' icon on the panel on the top right corner, allows you to upload any images/videos/graphs/tables/maps/etc, the student may need during the test.

- When you click on this icon, a window will open where you can upload the desired resources using drag and drop or by clicking and choosing the file locations.
- Once you are done, click on the 'Add Resources' button in the bottom right corner of this window.